One excellent way to get to know the club and meet members, or to learn what's new in the club is to come to a General Meeting, aka GM. GMs are conducted from September until At GMs two things occur;
The fun typically includes ice-breaking conversation over snacks and beverages followed by dancing to a DJ's tunes, with the business conducted in-between. Some nights more business happens, but on a typical evening it's concluded in about 30 minutes leaving plenty of time for entertainment. What kind of business? Filling up trips! Announcing trips, answering questions. Also, announcing and answering questions regarding upcoming events. And, asking and answering questions! Cold and hot snacks along with soft drinks, beer, and wine are served at GMs. Non-members are welcome!We request at the door from guests for Meetings a $5, and Parties with a band a $20 donation to help cover expenses. You must be age 21, or over, or accompanied by parent or guardian. BYOB is NOT approved. Cobblestone policy limits alcohol consumption to beer and wine. And, the club supplies beer and wine at GMs therefore it is not necessary to bring your own.
Venues where we hold our meetings either supply the alcohol or require that only wine and beer are consumed.
Therefore BYOB wine or beer only at GMs and picnics unless explicitly stated otherwise. This includes meetings at city, county, and metro parks, along with Cobblestone. The club has hired a bartender for General Meetings and the beverages are no-charge so leave your bottle home! | x Upcoming General Meetings and Parties
Does the Ann Arbor Ski Club Ever Dance at Their Meetings?Dancing to a DJ or live band is the club's current favorite thing to do at GMs, but occasionally we branch out. Like dancing in costume at the Halloween party! And, actually other non-dancing things too--