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Ann Arbor Ski Club

Local Cross-Country Ski, Hike, and Snowshoe Information

Winter Trails CoordinatorLane Hotchkiss

Winter Trails Coordinator, Lane Hotchkiss, 734-730-7209,

Members meet during January, February, and March during the day to cross country ski or hike. Sometimes we go out together after to a bar or restaurant.

There is no cost, except park entrance fees and a $5.00 fee to ski at Bucks Run at Huron Meadows Metropark. Some of the parks rent skis, but you must reserve them in advance, such as at Huron Meadows Metropark.

We have an email list of about 100 members that expressed interest in notices on local skiing events. I will use this list to send out notifications when there is snow. Click here to email Lane and join this list.

A great group of people take turns leading. Many thanks to all of them! If you'd like to host one contact our Winter Trails Coordinator.

Hope to see you on the trails!

Are ou interested in joining a weekly Cross-Country Skiing / Hiking Group?

Cross-country skiing group meets on Sundays at 10am, at different locations around Ann Arbor and (western) metro Detroit.   If there is insufficient snow, we will be hiking instead.   To be put on the weekly email list, contact Lucy White. Click Here to Email Lucy

Local XC Ski Areas

Huron Meadows Metro Park –  groomed and best local area to XC ski: 734-426-8211

Kensington Metro Park – not groomed but usually has skier made tracks: 248-684-8632

These two Metro Parks have easy and more advanced trails.

Snow Conditions

A website for snow conditions at most XC places that groom trails, from Nordic Ski Racer:

Up North XC Ski Areas

Day drive or Over Night:

Cross Country Ski Headquarters south of Grayling exit # 239: 800-832-2663

Hanson Hills in Grayling exit # 254 & west on state road 72 for a few miles: 989-348-9266

Forbush Corner at Frederick-Lewiston exit #264 and turn right: 989-889-2843

Over Night:

The reservations for the Instructional and Terrace Inn are made through the AASC. The rest are made directly with a motel or lodge.

Nubs Nob (231-526-2131) & Boyne Highlands (888-436-2296) near Petoskey/Harbor Spring.

Wildwood Forest Area near Petoskey – Wolverine exit # 301. Lodging: Petoskey or Gaylord.

Black Mountain Lodge exit # 310. It is south of Cheboygan about 20 miles: 231-625-9322

Valley Spur, near Munising in UP – Taste & Glide February 28 - March 1-2. We will send out

information on registering at the AmericInn (906-387-2000) in Munising for a club discount.

Stokely Creek Lodge in Ontario, Canada February 2-7 – call directly: 866-786-5359

Lack of Snow: Last Year

There was not much XC skiing due to little snow. There was a warm front that hung over the northern US and lower Canada all winter – little snow in any area near the US and Canadian borders for all season – XC skiing and snowmobiling was very dismal.


Always bring your snowshoes to cross country events in case the snow is poor for skiing, i.e., little snow or the snow melted and froze and is icy, or you just want to snowshoe. We also sometimes snowshoe at the Terrace Inn, Munising, and Stokely Lodge.

Wonderful local parks offer a terrific way to get out and enjoy the season with friends and family.  Non-members are welcome!  

XC Locations Near Ann Arbor

  1. Metro Parks
    Hudson Mills, Huron Meadows, Kensington

    Featuring groomed trails, rentals, activities building with restrooms and snacks. A MetroPark Pass can be useful!

  2. State Parks and Recreation Areas
    Island Lake, Maybury, Brighton, Pinckney, Waterloo

    Self-tracked trails, no rentals, outhouses only.  State Park Pass useful.  Gerald Eddy Discovery Center has a visitor's center.

  3. Washtenaw County Parks
    Rolling Hills, Independence Lake

    Groomed trails.  Rentals and building at Rolling Hills only.  The county has a park pass too.

  4. U of M Properties
    Stinchfield Woods, Saginaw Woods

    Self-tracked, no rentals, limited parking

  5. Some golf courses allow skiing.

Upcoming XC Ski Trips

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More Information


Ann Arbor Ski Club
P.O. Box 3258
Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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